Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves placing small needles in specific points of the body. Chinese medicine sees illnesses and disease as a symptom of a broader imbalance or energy (also called Qi) flow in the body. These acupuncture points work to open or close energy pathways and allow the body to correct the imbalance.
Dr. Cyphers became certified in acupuncture in 2013 from Chi University and it has become a vital part of the way she treats animals.
There are a multitude of ailments acupuncture can help with. The Chinese have been doing this for thousands of years, so there is a protocol for almost anything. Acupuncture is not, however, a panacea and there are some things that other modalities are better suited for. The most common problems we use acupuncture for are arthritis, IVDD, degenerative myelopathy, allergies, and Cushing’s disease.
Dr. Cyphers may also suggest herbal medications to take home to complement the acupuncture treatments. These herbs often work in the same way as the needles do, but can be administered continually to enhance treatment.
A typical first-time acupuncture appointment lasts about 1 hour. Dr. Cyphers will discuss your pet’s history in depth and develop a treatment protocol that makes the most sense. After she places the needles, they will stay in for about 20 minutes. Most pets take a nap during this part!
Acupuncture sessions are generally scheduled once per week for 4-8 weeks and then, depending on improvement, can be spaced farther and farther apart. After that, most pets are maintained well on a seasonal schedule.
Many owners worry that their pets won’t tolerate acupuncture. You would be surprised how well they usually do for it, though!
To request an appointment, click here.